Fl Studio v8.5 beta 5 Firma Image Line zaprezentowała kolejną, 5 wersję beta Fl Studio 8.5. Najciekawszą zmianą w stosunku do wersji poprzedniej jest zaimplementowanie wtyczki Vocodex (free) - czyli bardziej rozbudowanej wersji wokodera - w przeciwieństwie do Fruity Vocodera będzie to wokoder stereofoniczny. Aby już teraz przekonać się co potrafi najnowsza wersja wokodera,  kliknij tutaj . Do pobrania fl studio v8.5 beta 5 uprawnieni sąwyłącznie zarejestrowani użytkownicy aplikacji. Aktualna wersja beta wygasa z dniem 20 września. Instalator waży 150 MB.

Fl Studio v8.5 beta 5
Jak widać Image-Line ciągle powiększa arsenał wtyczek, a wydaje się iż oczekiwania większości użytkowników są nie co inne...z drugiej strony nie ma co uprzedzać faktów, bo właściwie nie wiemy do końca jakie jeszcze miejmy nadzieję przełomowe zmiany zaimplementowane zostaną w Fl studio 9.

Z innych zmian poniższe (tłumaczenie na dniach)


* made sure soundfonts load even though a (previously mandatory) chunk is missing
* added support for 24bit and 32bit aiff files
* fixed loading soundfonts with multiple banks/presets when those were resorted
* continue to load soundfont even if it doesn't have the "isng" chunk
* added "copy to all zones" options for a number of zone properties


* added some more locks when creating layers
* new skin, some more changes
* added possibility to "spread even" on a logarithmic scale
* locking layers doesn't automatically spread them even anymore
* now remembers the midi loop name when preset/file is loaded back

Wasp XT:

* fixed graphical glitch in slider button
* parameters past unison had the wrong index when sent to the engine


* calculate new sample position when plugin is processed, instead of when wrapper is processed
* Wrapper: decreased max value of interfaceless wheels to prevent weird behaviour
* Wrapper: cleaned up error message when DX plugin isn't found


* added buy button
* Changed status bar message for failed downloads, when the user is boxed
* option to load regcode from file now also works in Windows
* added "download regcode" menu item in manager
* added possibility for web link items
* double-clicking a failed item will go to the registration page (boxed) or retrieve regcode page (online users)
* changed text for boxed registration popup menu item
* fixed prev preset selection
* fixed focus bug related to modal content selector
* fixed bug executing items after download, wrong list was used
* paused downloads are now added at the top of the list
* tree will refresh less frequently
* now deletes all relevant .info files when removing waiting or finished downloads; tp get rid of multiples
* tree won't jump back to top when refreshing in response to finished download

Other additions/fixes:

* Updated score logger to work better with tempo changes (works a little differently now).
* Can now delete playlist clips from their menu (handy for overlapping clips).
* Added note preview when changing velocity (or other properties) in piano roll using ALT+mouse wheel on nearest note.
* Edison: improved loop tuner (new tension feature).
* Change: audio tracks are no longer set to "cut themselves".
* Fixed minor automation bug in Slicex.
* Fixed minor graphical mistake in mixer skin.
* Up/down controls should now have no more problem with multiple monitors of different sizes.

Fl Studio v8.5 beta 5

Źródło: Image-line