Jeśli chodzi o polifonię V-Station to po kliknięciu w przycisk "Extra" (prawy górny róg) mamy dostęp do ustawień między innymi parametru "voice mode".
Są cztery tryby pracy"
- mono (czyli tryb monofoniczny)
- mono ag (tryb mono ale z portamento)
- poly 1 (8 voices)
- poly 2 (8 voices)
różnice między poszczególnymi trybami tak opisano w manualu.
These options determine how the program will play - i.e. polyphonically or monophonically.
When set to MONO or MONO AG, the Program plays monophonically (i.e. only one note can
be sounded at any one time). If a chord is played on the keyboard, it will be noticed that as
each individual note is released, the note sounding will revert back to the nearest played note.
The MONO AG setting enables Auto glide (portamento) to be triggered whenever a note is
played on the keyboard before the previously held down note has been released (legato
playing). Using Auto glide in this way can greatly add expressiveness to a Program. It is
especially effective when applied to lead type sounds.
The monophonic settings are often useful when replicating sounds in the real world which
would normally be played monophonically, for example a bass guitar.
As their name implies, the POLY 1 and POLY 2 settings allow polyphonic operation.
POLY1 allows successive playing of the same note(s) to be stacked together, gradually
producing a louder sound texture as the note(s) are repeatedly played.
With POLY2, if the same note(s) are played repeatedly, they will use the same synthesizer
voices as used previously, thus avoiding the stacked note effect.